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Mont Saint-Hilaire Biosphere Reserve

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Explore Forrest corridors

  • Aerial view of the Monteregian plain and the Richelieu River in the fall; the forest corridors can be seen among the farm plots
  • View on the boundary between the farmlands in the fall; view of Mont Saint-Hilaire
  • View from one of the summits of Mont Saint-Hilaire over the plain and the Richelieu River; the forest corridors in between farm fields in the fall
  • Cornfield in the foreground and woods in fall colours in the background
  • View from one of the summits of Mont Saint-Hilaire over the plain and the Richelieu River; the forest corridors in between farm fields in the summer
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Photo: Ville de Montréal - Air Imex Ltée

Photo: Centre de la Nature

Photo: Centre de la Nature

Photo: Centre de la Nature

Photo: Centre de la Nature

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Prior to the 19th century, the Mont Saint-Hilaire Biosphere Reserve region was covered in forests. Over the years, the forests were converted into fields, houses and industries—so much so that the forest cover is now parceled up. Only a small number of wooded areas remain, and they are essential for maintaining animal and plant biodiversity, by providing a crucial connection between Mont Saint-Hilaire and the surrounding woods. The forest corridors also play an important role in agriculture. They prevent land from drying out by blocking wind, and help maintain water quality by stopping polluted water from entering waterways.