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Mont Saint-Hilaire Biosphere Reserve

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Explore Sainte-Marie-Madeleine

  • Alternating corn and wheat fields, farms, and several silos in the background
  • Cornfield and farm with silos in the background
  • Wood barn in a field of cut grass next to a cornfield, with a view of Mont Saint-Hilaire
  • Pumpkin patch and wood barn
  • Large wood barn with blue doors in a field of cut grass, with a strip of flowers separating it from the neighbouring field
Bouton fleche gauche Bouton fleche droit

Photo: Nature Centre

Photo: Nature Centre

Photo: Nature Centre

Photo: Nature Centre

Photo: Nature Centre

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Explore Sainte-Marie-Madeleine

The Sainte-Marie-Madeleine parish is located along Boulevard Laurier, between Mont-Saint-Hilaire and Saint-Hyacinthe. Today home to almost 3,000 people, the municipality is known for agriculture. Nearly 95% of the municipal territory is dedicated to farming.

The municipality is also recognized for the Mira organization, which trains guide dogs and service dogs. For leisure activities, golf lovers are no strangers to the Golf La Madeleine. The municipality is also home to CIAQ, an artificial insemination centre, and the Cactus fleuri, a company that specializes in growing cactuses.