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Mont Saint-Hilaire Biosphere Reserve

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Explore Mont-Saint-Hilaire

  • Nighttime view from Beloeil of the Richelieu River, the illuminated town of Mont Saint-Hilaire and its church, and Mont Saint-Hilaire
  • Aerial view of the Richelieu River and the city of Mont-Saint-Hilaire from Beloeil
  • Mont-Saint-Hilaire church lit by night
  • Mont-Saint-Hilaire church in the daytime with a tree-lined park full of flowers
  • Mont-Saint-Hilaire church under a menacing grey sky
Bouton fleche gauche Bouton fleche droit

Photo: Pierre Pepin

Photo: Ville de Montréal - Air Imex Ltée

Photo: Frederick Brault

Photo: Jean-Marc Deschênes

Photo: Jean-Sébastien Lucas

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Explore Mont-Saint-Hilaire

The city of Mont-Saint-Hilaire grew on the slopes of the mountain of the same name, and extended down to the Richelieu River. The mills and orchards, the hill and the river have inspired painters, authors and storytellers from every period. To this day, the apples and cider from these orchards give the city its regional and international renown. The forest that originally covered the area was replaced by houses, placing intense pressure on the remaining natural and agricultural areas. Mont-Saint-Hilaire has a lot at stake: proud of its nature, culture and heritage, the city has set the objective of protecting and balancing nature and culture.