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Mont Saint-Hilaire Biosphere Reserve

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Explore Saint-Mathias-Sur-Richelieu

  • A small wooden barn with a grey roof and large wooden barn with a brown roof in a prairie
  • Old three-piece wooden barn by the side of a road
  • Field of soybeans, houses in the woods, and Mont Saint-Hilaire in the background
  • Saint-Mathias-sur-Richelieu church on a summer day
Bouton fleche gauche Bouton fleche droit

Photo: Nature Centre

Photo: Nature Centre

Photo: Nature Centre

Photo: Nature Centre

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Explore Saint-Mathias-Sur-Richelieu

The municipality of Saint-Mathias-sur-Richelieu has carried five different names throughout its history. It stretches along the Richelieu River and the Chambly Basin. It began as a strategic location near Chambly, and later became a sizable commercial port on the Richelieu. Today, it is a peaceful, primarily agricultural village, with a beautiful church from 1817 and half a dozen beautiful historical homes, along with water activities for tourists. It has a pretty riverside park, called the “Parc des Voiles” which is very popular among windsurfers, picnickers and even, depending on the season, traditional dance lovers.