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Mont Saint-Hilaire Biosphere Reserve

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Taste Honey

  • Bees on a wood beehive frame, with an uncapping knife on top of the hive
  • Knife uncapping a wooden beehive frame, with a bee on the frame
  • Honey pots with different textures and colours
Bouton fleche gauche Bouton fleche droit

Photo: Marie-Claude Berard

Photo: Marie-Claude Berard

Photo: Centre de la Nature

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Taste Honey

In the Mont Saint-Hilaire Biosphere Reserve, pollinators such as bees and bumblebees provide invaluable services. In particular, bees pollinate the region’s apple trees. Habitats or prairies with flowers in the surrounding environments are essential. These little bugs not only serve nature; they provide us with their delicious honey. The Biosphere Reserve boasts several honey and mead producers.