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Mont Saint-Hilaire Biosphere Reserve

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Explore La Présentation

  • Large mowed grass field and dairy farm with three buildings surrounded by woods
  • Small blue wood house surrounded by woods and flowers along a road
  • Fields of wheat and corn and a farm with a silo in the background
  • Cornfield surrounded by mowed grass and thicket in the background
  • La Présentation church with well-manicured lawn, flowers and trees
Bouton fleche gauche Bouton fleche droit

Photo: Nature Centre

Photo: Nature Centre

Photo: Nature Centre

Photo: Nature Centre

Photo: Nature Centre

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Explore La Présentation

The village of La Présentation is located a few kilometres from the Richelieu River, at the heart of Montérégie’s agricultural region. This vast agricultural area is 94 square kilometres large, and is home to 2,541 people. Its church, named La Présentation de la Sainte-Vierge, is one of the most beautiful in Quebec. It was built in 1820 in a traditional and neoclassical style. The pulpit was sculpted by François Dugal. Though history books do not devote long paragraphs to this lovely village, there’s nothing like a visit to its parish church and its vast, fertile and peaceful plain.