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Mont Saint-Hilaire Biosphere Reserve

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Explore Saint-Jean-Baptiste

  • Aerial view of Saint-Jean-Baptiste at the base of Mont Saint-Hilaire in the fall
  • Green and white wood house with columns
  • Blue wheelbarrow with a large milk jug; a goat in the pasture surrounded by woods in the summer
  • Field of soybeans, barn, and several silos; Mont Saint-Hilaire in the background
  • Saint-Jean-Baptiste church with large tree
Bouton fleche gauche Bouton fleche droit

Photo: Ville de Montréal - Air Imex Ltée

Photo: Nature Centre

Photo: Nature Centre

Photo: Nature Centre

Photo: Nature Centre

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Explore Saint-Jean-Baptiste

The municipality of Saint-Jean-Baptiste is located between Mont Rougemont and Mont Saint-Hilaire. Vestiges of the feudal period, several farm plots still bear their original names. Several seigneurs succeeded one another in Saint-Jean-Baptiste. The sixth seigneur, Melchior Hertel de Rouville set about building the village’s church. This church is reputed today for its mural decorations.

Business development and industrialization have changed the face of Saint-Jean-Baptiste. Today, grains and soybeans are the most common crops, but young farmers have developed new approaches. They have set up productions with strong added value. They include goat farms, natural livestock farms, market gardens, nurseries, herb farms, and even strawberry farms. These farms attract visitors, and preserve and showcase the rural countryside of Saint-Jean-Baptiste.