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Mont Saint-Hilaire Biosphere Reserve

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Taste Meats and dairy products

  • Four dairy cows grazing in a pasture, farm buildings and Mont Saint-Hilaire in the background
  • Ball of fresh goat cheese with herbs and nuts and a knife with a wooden handle placed on a wood board
  • Goat cleaning her newborn in the hay
  • Sheep and goats grazing on grass in an enclosure next to the road
Bouton fleche gauche Bouton fleche droit

Photo: Ximena Griscti

Photo: Ferme des Petits Caprices

Photo: Ferme Mes Petits Caprices

Photo: Ferme du Pré Carré

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The Biosphere Reserve area includes cheese and meat producers. In addition to conventional pig, cattle and dairy cow farms, there are more traditional farms with goats, sheep, lambs, ducks or deer. These productions offer visitors a large variety of artisanal products, from meat-based products, to cheeses, to other dairy products. Some farms allow people to visit and explore where the animals live.