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Mont Saint-Hilaire Biosphere Reserve

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Taste Apple products

  • Frozen apple on the tree, with snow on top
  • Baskets of apples for sale in front of the window of a green, wood house
  • Baskets of apples viewed from above
  • A man and woman pick apples in an orchard and place them in large wooden crates
  • A man oversees apple washing and sorting; the apples fall into a large container of water
Bouton fleche gauche Bouton fleche droit

Photo: William Prince Dufour

Photo: Monik Faucher

Photo: Frederick Brault

Photo: Centre de la Nature

Photo: Centre de la Nature

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Taste Apple products

In the Biosphere Reserve area, apple growing is a pillar of the local economy. Every fall, the apples generate much excitement. Thousands of visitors come to enjoy the outdoors and the beautiful landscape, and to savour crisp fresh-picked apples. The region’s various orchards offer more than 60 varieties of apples. This celebration of the apple is the result of months of effort—in winter and summer, apple growers must prune and maintain their apple trees. To pollinate the trees’ flowers, apple growers sometimes need help from bees. This collaboration between man and nature produces fruit that, come fall, is eaten or turned into juice, cider, pies, jams and other delicacies.